Lorraine Nelson
Tax is a strategic issue for every business. We are being asked by our clients ‘what good looks like?”, how their tax operations benchmark against their peers and how they can demonstrate to all stakeholders that their tax affairs are adequately managed.
Tax is usually a key issue on the board’s agenda and a central factor in business decisions. Boards are asking for practical ways to gain control and assurance over managing their tax risk, tax reputation and their tax operations, while at the same time seeking value for money.
HMRC is also changing its approach and expectations. Companies are being asked to demonstrate a proactive approach to tax compliance and risk.
Our tax team has a wealth of experience supporting clients, across all industries, and advising on a full range of tax issues, including:
Senior Accounting Officer
Our clients want to be able to demonstrate that their tax affairs are being well managed. The Senior Accounting Officer and the processes established to support that role are pivotal to achieving that goal. HMRC is changing its approach and expectations. Companies, through their Senior Accounting Officers, are being asked to demonstrate a proactive approach to tax compliance and risk. BDO NI can assist with internal reviews and provide assistance to the Senior Accounting Officer in addressing areas of risk.
Read more about the Senior Accounting Officer legislation.
Publishing your tax strategy
BDO NI have prepared a practical guide to publishing your tax strategy with clear explanation of the legal requirements and best practice.
Corporate Criminal Offence
The Corporate Criminal Offences, enacted in 2017, addressed the perceived gap in the law that made it difficult to hold a corporation to account when its representatives committed the criminal offence of facilitating tax evasion. BDO NI can provide information on what the legislation means for your business and assist with an internal risk assessment, making recommendations where applicable.
Get in touch to find out how we can help.