BDO’s global organisation extends across 166 countries and territories, with 119,611 people working out of 1,800 offices – and they’re all working towards one goal: to provide our clients with exceptional service.
Our firms across the organisation cooperate closely and comply with consistent operating principles and quality standards. That means local resources who understand your business, your local and international markets and the specifics of your industry: all backed by a truly global organisation.
BDO’s vision is to be the leader for exceptional client service. This is not about reinventing our profession’s approach to service, but about delivering our services exceptionally well – and delivering that high quality consistently in every office, every country and every territory where we have a presence. No matter where you do business, we have people who can help.
We demonstrate our objectivity and independence when dealing with our clients’ business issues, and this helps us to build relationships based on trust. There are five key components that describe BDO and our consistently exceptional service delivery:
We are a global organisation built on local relationships.
We are the most agile and responsive of the global accounting organisations.
We’re big enough to be able to access the best group of experts for your needs from our national and international network, and we’re small enough to be responsive and innovative in how we tackle our clients’ challenges. We can provide the perfect contact for your needs, no matter where in the world you are.