Public Sector

Public Sector

The Public Sector is transforming, downsizing while revamping its approach,  and the pace and dimensions of this change are unprecedented. It is driven by the need for performance improvement, e-government and the new delivery model via public and private partnerships.
BDO Northern Ireland seeks to make a valuable contribution to the needs of the public sector through innovation, responsiveness and quality in the provision of consultancy services. We work closely with key departments to achieve best value for money and deliver better public services to the community.
Our vast experience includes projects with:
  • Central Government departments and agencies
  • Health Sector
  • Education
  • Employment and Learning
  • Culture, Arts and Leisure
  • Environment and Heritage
  • Enterprise, Trade and Investment
  • Social Development
  • Regional Development
  • Agriculture and rural development
  • NI Assembly
  • District Councils
  • Local enterprise agencies
  • Cross border agencies
  • Private Finance Initiative/Public Private Partnerships

Key contacts


Very pleased with the engagement team. I really appreciated the accessibility of the engagement partner as they were always available when we had a question or needed to talk through something.