Corporate Social Responsibility

Preloved market

Our local community

At BDO Northern Ireland we are committed to being a responsible business, both in how we work with our clients but also in terms of how we contribute to the wider community. At BDO Northern Ireland, support for CSR has been long standing, with a range of initiatives not only raising money for important and worthy activities but also providing an opportunity to reflect and reinforce our business culture and its values. Fundraising activities that BDO regularly organise include ‘Happy Friday’ events, coffee mornings, Halloween dress up days, volunteering days and once a year members of the firm try and do something a little crazy for our charity. Some of these ‘crazy’ charity activities have included: White Collar Boxing, Dublin Marathon, Belfast Marathon, Tough Mudder, and BDO’s Production of the Aladdin Pantomime.
BDO partners with Air Ambulance NI

Our nominated charity

Every two years our CSR committee announces their support of one charity around which the fund raising activities during this time will focus. We have now announced our new charity partner, reinforcing a strategic focus in being a responsible business, both in how we work with our clients and how we contribute to the wider community. Air Ambulance NI, working in partnership with the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, provides lifesaving Helicopter Emergency Medical services across the whole of the province, 365 days a year. The charity relies entirely on support from the public and local businesses such as BDO to ensure their air ambulance and the vital services it provides remains operational. Recognising the importance of this service and the wide-reaching impacts of the work this charity does, BDO have committed to a 2-year partnership, in which the team will fundraise through a series of events and challenges with the target set at £20,000. The firm will see 2 teams enter the Belfast Marathon Relay in May, in addition to the BDO NI Charity Football Tournament taking place at Playball Stormont.
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